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Let’s face it: healing is hard. It is a roller coaster of unpredictable emotions. Some days are anxiety-ridden, fearing the worst to happen when the ride has not even begun. Most likely, nothing terrible is going to happen. Other days, you are sat idle at the top of the roller coaster, finally feeling like you have a break. Only for your heart to clench at the drop because you were hoping the ride ended. Still, you’re somewhere in the middle of it all. I am here to help you get to the end of the roller coaster. The part where you survived the high speeds, drops, loops, and sharp turns, to get off of the roller coaster and be satisfied at the fact that you were able to accomplish something difficult that took a lot of bravery.

I created this blog to emphasize authenticity, or your honest self, through self-care and self-love. My goal is to encourage anyone who comes across this blog to be their true authentic self. I can agree it is not easy, but developing your authenticity is well worth it. You don’t have to wear a mask when you stand in your truth. This platform is a community for those looking to heal and become the best version of themselves. I aim to combine my background as a public health professional and my love for mental health to provide a community and platform for people that seek to heal because with every hardship comes ease.